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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

♥ Japan / ♥ 日本

nmnlblog. 始まって以来初のイベント関連告知ポストでございます。

♥ Japan / ♥ 日本

このブログがきっかけとなって以来交流のあるアーティスト/DJ/プロデューサー: Lakeshore Driving

Lakeshore Driving (Biography):

Micheal Pacheco and Pete Compton, for­merly of The Slants, have been through a lot together, includ­ing five prior bands, before bring­ing their long-time, studio-only side project into the lime­light. Lakeshore Driving is the musi­cal man­i­fes­ta­tion of their long­time friend­ship, with nos­tal­gic begin­nings in an ele­va­tor at a New Orleans goth music fes­ti­val in 2000. Though their music has changed styles since then, the way that they cre­ate music has not. Admittedly self­ish and made to please no one but them­selves, the 1980’s influ­enced elecro-pop sound takes two forms — the brood­ing band with shoegaze and new wave influ­ence, and the DJ name Micheal uses in Tokyo’s mega-trendy club scene. At first, they seem like two com­pletely dif­fer­ent sounds, but after lis­ten­ing to a cou­ple tracks it is evi­dent that the sounds are merely dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ties pro­duced by the same entity.

Lakeshore Driving has been the musi­cal foun­da­tion between Micheal and Pete since record­ing their first track together in 2001. Now, solid­i­fied as an offi­cial unit they pro­duce, remix, and write music with­out compromise.

Describing their niche as part of an alter­na­tive electro-pop move­ment, they pro­duce tracks heav­ily influ­enced by the new wave and post punk sounds of the late 1970s and 1980s. When asked about their opin­ion of con­form­ing to pop­u­lar music, Lakeshore Driving feels that “if the music dic­tates con­for­mity, we’ll con­form,” show­ing how gen­uinely raw their music is.

In recent years, Lakeshore Driving finds them­selves on dif­fer­ent con­ti­nents. 2009 saw Micheal move across the Pacific Ocean to Tokyo, Japan while Pete remained in their home­town Portland, Oregon. Micheal found the fast-paced Tokyo lifestyle both inspir­ing and moti­vat­ing, and any ini­tial con­cerns about the change of loca­tion were proven to be unnec­es­sary. Through many years of friend­ship and prac­ti­cal use of the inter­net as a means to com­mu­ni­cate and col­lab­o­rate, their music has not suf­fered the dis­tance. The cur­rent state of Lakeshore rep­re­sents this new stage in their friendship.

Lakeshore Driving has DJ res­i­dency at Emotional Signal, a club in the Shinjuku area of Tokyo. In addi­tion to play­ing at some of Japan’s trendi­est night­clubs, Micheal and Pete have played through­out the United States, as well as in Germany and Canada. Lakeshore Driving also per­formed at three fea­ture venues for the 2nd Annual Japan Music Week (2010). Although Micheal DJs alone, the pro­duced sound is still rec­og­niz­ably Lakeshore.

Micheal’s love of what Lakeshore Driving rep­re­sents can be summed up in a few words that carry so much mean­ing: “Music in Lakeshore is so easy.”

♥ Japan / ♥ 日本

Start: 04-16-2011 21:00
End: 04-17-2011 3:00
Cost: ¥1000
Venue: Sound Bar Brick
Address: 福岡県福岡市 http://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ000963139/party/




WHAT: ♥ Japan is an all-mix event put on by Lakeshore Driving and friends. There will be live music, DJs, and video installations/VJs.

WHY: ♥ Japan is a char­ity event to raise money for the sur­vivors of March 11 tsunami in Tohoku, Japan. 100% of pro­ceeds go to our offi­cial spon­sor, JEN (http://www.jen-npo.org/en/), a Tokyo-based NGO who is doing ground work in Tohoku.

WHERE: ♥ Japan will be held at Sound Bar Brick, a new lounge in Daimyo/Tenjin, Fukuoka. Address: 2–1-14 Daimyo, Asheville 5F

When: April 16th, 9pm-3am

Entrance fee: 1000¥ +1 drink

We are still book­ing musi­cians, DJs, artists, and film­mak­ers. If you would like to be involved in this event, please email us and let us know!

If you have a blog in Japanese or English, a radio show, a weekly col­umn in a news­pa­per, or other media influ­ence, we are appeal­ing to you for pub­lic­ity. Please email us and let us know if you can help spread the word.



♥日本は東日本大震災で被災された方達のために何ができるのか。。。を考えたときに企画された100%チャリティーのイベントです。なので、このイベントでの収益は東北で被災者のために活動しているNGO団体 JEN(ジェン)に寄付されます。また、JEN(ジェン)はこのイベントのオフィシャルスポンサーです。
JENに関する詳細はこちらのHPで → http://www.jen-npo.org/

場所:Sound Bar brick  福岡市中央区大名2−1−14天神アッシュ5F
日時:2011年4月16日 午後9時〜午前3時


私たちは、このイベントに参加してくれるミュージシャン、アーティスト、DJを募集中です。 興味がある方からの連絡をお待ちしています!一緒にイベントを作りましょう!!また、このメールを読んでいる人で、ブログ(日本語・英語問わず)やラジオ 番組、新聞のコラムなどなど、このイベントを多くの人に知らせるために手伝ってくれる人がいたら、ぜひご協力をお願いします。
連絡先はこちら→ http://www.lakeshore-driving.com/




17.04.2011 (SUN) 追記♪


下記、Lakshore DrivingとMicheal Pachecoのfacebookより引用コピペ。

THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! We raised a total of ¥129,000!! I feel so grateful and thankful that everything went so well and everybody who came was so generous and kind. If you have not yet done so, please click through the link and donate! JEN is doing great work and they need your support!

Thank you for your interest in supporting our work! For those who donate JEN, you will receive JEN Annual report (English/Japanese). Receipt of donation will be notified to you by e-mail. If you wish to receive JEN Newsletter (Japanese only) and original receipt of donation, please specify in "me

We raised a total of ¥129,000 at the charity event last night! Had SO MUCH FUN and feeling super grateful for everything. If you haven't done so already, please click through the link below and donate to JEN! They are doing great work in Tohoku right now, helping families clean out and repair flood damaged housing.


あ。それと、、。nmnlblog. 通常営業の開始は4月上旬頃からを予定しております。



from RATA


Sunday, March 06, 2011

Blackbird Blackbird / Summer Heart

祝!! CD化及び正式リリース記念!! 今さら感目一杯ですがやっぱいっときましょう。fromサンフランシスコ, CA, US
Mikey Sanders (aka. Blackbird Blackbird) ドリポチルウェグロファイ系最後の刺客と言っても過言では…

Blackbird Blackbird
Summer Heart


Summer Heart LP”としてBandcampから直で配信されてたやつからLPがとれてアップデートされてのCD化&iTunes Store配信スタートなど。

独特のカットアップ手法を駆使し、ミニマル、クラシカル、フォーク、プログレなど様々なエッセンスを取り入れつつ緩やかに切り崩し、軽やかでリズミックな ビートの上で、ドリーミーでサイケデリックな世界を描き出す。まるでゆったりとした白昼夢のようで、じわじわと引き込まれていきます。ヴォーカルの使い方 も実に効果的で、幻想的なエフェクトがかかった、美しく滑らかなソフト・ヴォーカル (女性ヴォーカルもフィーチャー) はサウンドにより一層の浮遊感を与えています。
シンプルながらバリエーション豊富なビートを核に、カラフルな生音サンプリングとキラキラ とした電子エフェクト、スペーシーなシンセ、溶け込むような幽玄的なヴォーカルが渾然一体となり、Washed Out, Baths等のチルウェイヴ ― グローファイからSchool of Seven Bellsのようなシューゲイズ ― エレクトロニック、さらには昨今のビート・シーンにまで共振し、鮮やかに横断する最新型ドリーム・ポップ!2011年を席巻すること間違い無しのサウンド です !

-------( メーカーインフォより ) diskuunionより引用-------

この辺好きな方はマストバイなアルバムでございますからね。必ず聞くようにぃぃ!!!! ww

Blackbird Blackbird / Summer Heart
01. Blurred Lines
02. Summer Heart
03. Pure
04. Happy High
05. Hawaii
06. Sunspray
07. Ups & Downs
08. Heartbeat
09. Let’s Move on Together
10. So Sorry Girl
11. Aura
12. Kings
13. Avalanche
14. Dreams I Create
15. I’m Feeling Hazy
16. We Have to Know
17. Hawaii (Sunvisor Remix) (*Bonus Track)
18. Avalanche (Star Slinger Remix) (*Bonus Track)

Blackbird Blackbird - PURE (official music video)

iTunes Store: http://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/summer-heart/id421317979

Bandcamp: http://blackbirdblackbird.bandcamp.com/  http://byebyeblackbird.bandcamp.com/

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

nmnlblog. - Monthly Chart by RATA [Feb.2011]

nmnlblog. - Monthly Chart
by RATA [Feb.2011]

01. Ringo Deathstarr / Imagine Hearts
02. ねごと / カロン
03. Cut Copy / Need You Now
04. Radiohead / Little By Little
05. Asobi Seksu / Trails
06. Bobmo / Control
07. Birkii / Shade Of Doubt
08. Jupiter / Sake
09. Zombie Nation / Relax
10. Toro Y Moi / Elise

Cut Copy - Need You Now

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nmnlblog. [No Music, No Life!!] by RATA